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Water Colour Painting Workshop

It is the art of drawing, which is usually done on paper using water-soluble pigments. Watercolor painting is familiarly used by the children during school activities and performed with boxed sets of color paints with a wet brush. The pigment transfers itself to the watered brush.

The paper plays an important role in making watercolor paintings because the paper will determine the quality of your painting through its content, weight, texture and production. There is also not much equipment used when making watercolor paintings. Quality can also differ as per the grade of the watercolors.

It is also imperative to know the nature of watercolor paintings. When used initially, will stay wet and the colors will appear to be dark and intense, but after sometime, the colors usually tend to get paler when dry. Once you master this technique, watercolor paintings will seem to be uphill from that point.

Workshop Details:

It is 15 days extensive workshop. 1.5 hrs duration each day.

1st Week: Still life and Botanicals               2nd Week: Landscape and Composition                 3rd Week: Animal and Bird

Prerequisite: Basic Drawing skill required

Materials required:

1-Watercolor sheets-300gsm Canson-A3 size ,12-15 sheets 2-Faber Castle or camlin artists quality watercolors-18 tubes 3-White pen or white acrylic paint 4-Round brushes-1 set 5-Flat brushes-1 set 6-paper tape pencil ,eraser, sharpner 7-Old tooth brush 8-Paper Tissues 9-Water bowl 10- Watercolor gum (optional)

Time Slot: For 13+ Years Mon-Friday 10:30am-12:00pm     For 10-13 Years Mon - Friday 12:30-2:00pm

Modular Fee:   Rs. 5500 for 3 week course   Rs. 4000 for 2 week course         Rs. 2300/- for one week course ( Early Bird Discount Applicable Rs. 300/- off if registered 48 hrs before start of workshop)